We just watched on tv Obama's speech in Baltimore at a stop on his train route from Philadelphia to Washington for the Inauguration. It's just so exciting, and hard to believe. I wrote below about Hairspray. In that musical set in Baltimore in the Sixties blacks and whites could not dance together. Now, forty years later, a black man gives a speech in Baltimore on his way to become President. I mean, wow!
It was ironic that on Thursday night the farewell address from the lame and incompetent current president was bumped on the news by the story of the pilot who safely landed in the Hudson River an airplane with one hundred and fifty-five people on board. That pilot is a true hero, and the contrast with Bush was so striking.
That dark nightmare is over. Everyone is so excited about Obama. At the little antique store I frequent they were having a sale today to celebrate the Inauguration and are serving Champagne on Tuesday. We look forward to hearing tomorrow gay Bishop Gene Robinson lead prayers at the opening celebration at the Lincoln Memorial. Our friend Macky Alston is filming a documentary about Gene Robinson, and we heard and met the Bishop a few weeks ago -- he is a good storyteller and very charming. As a fashion-watcher I am fascinated by Michelle Obama who I think is great looking. She possesses the most important quality of style, which Jackie Kennedy had too, which is making it all look very easy and natural. She knows what she's doing but it looks unstudied and that's a talent. On Tuesday we're attending a brunch to watch the Inauguration. These are thrilling days.
Photo from AP
1 comment:
I got home just in time to watch the speech Obama gave. Everyone here is so happy that he chose to stop in Baltimore.
And we LOVED it that Jill and Michelle were wearing purple! (for the Ravens)
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