Monday, December 22, 2008

More Christmas Decor

I love Christmas time. Did I say that already? It's colorful and sparkly and you get to see a lot of your favorite people.

This angel book is something I unfold every Christmas. I bought it years ago at the Bailey House Hundred Hearts Auction. An artist decorated metal pages with paint and bound them with a flourish of metallic ribbons.

The Tiffanys radicchio vase gets dressed for the holidays with evergreens and white carnations.

We got holly branches at the Farmers Market.

The tree is decorated with all sorts of sentimental favorites. Years ago I took photographs at an exhibition uptown of Geoffrey Beene designs. I turned this picture of red and green clothes into an ornament.

I have a couple of these pomegranate ornaments which I love. TD made the paper angel cut-out.

This little party invitation drawn by TD became a tree decoration.

Two antique ornaments and a cut-out by TD.

I like transparent ornaments like this one in the middle because colored light shines through them.

I made this star. My ornaments, like my cupcakes, are not too precise.

1 comment:

Mr. Peacock said...

I love the photo turned into an ornament!