Yours truly is looking forward mightily, and maybe you are too, to the premiere tomorrow night of Downton Abbey, a new series from Masterpiece Classics on PBS. Set in the post-Edwardian period of 1912-1914 in one of England's great estates, it will tell the story of the aristocratic Crawley family and the staff that serves it. Written by Julian Fellows and starring a delicious cast including Maggie Smith (above center), I'm hoping that it will be a wonderful entertainment.
I love English programs, movies and books like this that take me back to a more elegant and graceful time. For Christmas I received two English delights, the autobiography of Deborah Mitford, the Duchess of Devonshire, called Wait for Me!, and the dvd of another wonderful Masterpiece Classic series, Return to Cranford.
I am really enjoying the book. I'm reading it slowly, so it doesn't end.

Deborah Mitford, now 90, was the youngest of the famed and beautiful Mitford sisters. When the baby of the family wed Andrew Cavendish, she married into one of the richest and most influential aristocratic families in England. After Andrew's brother was killed in World War ll, he became the Duke of Devonshire, and his family moved into Chatsworth, the renowned country estate.

When Andrew, the 11th Duke, died in 2004, the title passed to Deborah's son and she moved out of Chatsworth into a vicarage nearby; since her son's wife is now the Duchess, she is presently called the Dowager Duchess of Devonshire.
All of this is to say that though her life has been very grand, her autobiography is charming and funny so that you feel like you are intimate pals. She has a good, dry sense of humor and a wonderful eye for the telling detail. Her personal stories feature many prominent figures of the twentieth century including John Kennedy, the Duke and Duchess of Windsor (she didn't like the Duchess), Pamela Harriman ("fat and fast"), Aly Khan and Evelyn Waugh. My favorite story so far involves Deborah's lunch with Dame Edith Sitwell, the great English eccentric and poet. Edith Sitwell recalls that the two chief things her mother used to say were, "We must remember to order enough quails for the dance," and "If only I could get your father put into a lunatic asylum."
You may know that Deborah is the grandmother of the model Stella Tennant, pictured below left at Tom Ford's recent fashion show.

Pictured on the right at Tom Ford's show is Daphne Guinness, the great fashion icon. She is an heiress of the Irish Guinness family, and was married to Spyros Niachros, son of the Greek shipping billionaire Stavros Niachros. And Daphne is also a Mitford; her father Jonathan Byron Guinness is the son of Deborah Mitford's sister Diana. So these two gorgeous creatures are second cousins. And that's how it goes with the Mitfords.
The subject of the 2008 movie The Duchess was a previous Duchess of Devonshire, Georgiana Cavendish who married the 5th Duke and also lived at Chatsworth. The movie starred the beautiful Keira Knightley in the title role.

Parts of this movie were filmed on location at Chatsworth. The film portrayed the lack of rights women had at the time, and I wasn't so crazy about it. Also starring Keira Knightley, and also partly filmed at Chatsworth, was one of my very favorite English movies though, Pride & Prejudice from 2005.

Here is her character Elizabeth Bennett with her father played by Donald Sutherland in his library. I just love the style of this movie.

Pride & Prejudice was directed by Joe Wright so we went to see his next movie Atonement, also starring Keira Knightley, but I thought that story was totally depressing.
An English story that I do love is Gosford Park directed by Robert Altman. Like Downton Abbey, it features Maggie Smith (below) and was written by Julian Fellowes.

Another favorite movie is Vanity Fair from 2004, starring Reese Witherspoon (below right) in the central role as Becky Sharp. This movie was made by the Indian director Mira Nair who brought fantastic colors and style to the story.

Pictured on the left (above) is the great Eileen Atkins as the rich spinster Aunt Matilda. Eileen Atkins also stars in Cranford, the PBS series about life in an English village between 1849 and 1858. The dvd that I received for Christmas was Return to Cranford, the two-part sequel to Cranford (below).

It's a wonderful trip to a time and place far away. In these English entertainments, the language, the manners, the ways of speaking, the ways that words are put together, the round sounds of the words all conspire together with the clothes, the gardens, the settings and candlelight to portray a world more gracious and harmonious than our own. It's a pleasure to visit there. Do you have any favorite English books or movies?
Blog bonus: here is a clip about Downton Abbey:
Bart wonderful history and I would love to read The Duchess of Devonshire.
Art by Karena
I love Maggie Smith in anything. As a frequent visitor to historic house museums, I particularly enjoyed her performance as a docent who embellished the tour in the 1990 Broadway production "Lettice and Loveage".__ The Devoted Classicist
Thanks Karena, I think you would like it.
John, I enjoyed that too on Broadway and it was one of the funniest things I ever saw, thanks for reminding.
Thank you for this fun post. I shall most definitely be tuning in to MT on Sunday evening. If you haven't read Julian Fellowes' "Snobs" it is a must read. A marvelous book, very funny, wistfully sad at times, and hits awfully close to home. Reggie
A second endorsement for "Snobs."
Netflix has a plethora of English dramas from Masterpiece Theater, including many available for instant viewing. I recently enjoyed "Daniel Deronda" with Hugh Dancy.
I love those films that you describe, and I look forward to see A Room with a View again.
Hi Reggie and Topaz, I did enjoy reading "Snobs", I found it at a book sale on the Guilford Green. But I don't know "Daniel Doranda" and will look for it.
Hi Ella, "Room with a View" would be a good one to see again!
I love the series "Pride & Prejuidice" starring Colin Firth; "Emma" with Gynneth Paltrow as well as "Shakespeare in Love"; also the BBC's "Tommy & Tuppence" fun romp of mysteries set in the 20s; and "Rosemary & Thyme" another series of mysteries starring a pair of garden designers and set in gorgeous homes! And let's not forget the best series -- shot in black and white in the 60s -- the four Agatha Christie movies starring the wonderful Dame Margaret Rutherford as Miss Marple!
I hope you loved the first part of Donton as much as I last night. I also loved Cranford, but who could not, with Judie Dench being so loveable. I too got the 'wait for me' book for Christmas and can't 'wait' to start!
B..I sat glued to the television last night and loved it. I own all of the movies you mentioned, however, the wonderful book you mentioned is not in my library. I'm rectifying that with a trip to amazon this afternoon. Glad to know there's another anglophile in the club!..k
Wasn't it just grand? Can't wait for next week's episode. The award for best line was Maggie Smith as the dowager..."What's a weekend?"
thoroughly enjoyed Downton Abbey- I believe I am a true anglophile, though at one time I would have said franco... Maggie Smith's Dowager was a delight- no surprise there. Her line-what is a weekend, I think-might have been the best.
I did enjoy Downtown Abbey a lot, it did not disappoint! The Dowager did get out some good lines. And I wonder how the characters will progress...
I loved Downton Abbey. It was splendid. Would love to see more like it. I will now have to watch Vanity Fair! I am reading a wonderful new novel called, "Madame Tussaud." It is about the famous wax artist and the French Revolution. Great movie material.
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